- Keep first-aid kit in desk or office.
- Call UCLA EH&S Hotline for hazardous chemical and biological spills and injuries at (310) 825-9797
- When requesting immediate medical assistance, be prepared to give the following information:
- Location (building and room number)
- Closest entrance for responder
- Nature and extent of the emergency
- Your name and number from which you are calling.
Obtaining Medical Attention
- Severe emergencies
- Call 9-1-1 or visit the Ronald Reagan Medical Center emergency room
- Medical treatment (non-emergency):
- Employees/students: see the Ashe Center website for location and hours
- Employees: see Occupational Health website for location and hours
- For research animal-related injuries, visit Occupational Health.
Assisting in Medical Emergency or Personal Injury
- Do not move the injured person unless there is a serious threat in the current location
- If the individual cannot be moved, stay with the injured person until medical assistance arrives, if it is safe to do so
- If trained and necessary, initiate life-saving measures.
Injury or Exposure
- Remove contaminated outerwear/accessories
- Flush exposed areas with water using a safety shower, eyewash or faucet for at least 20 minutes (use soap on skin for biological/blood exposure)
- Hold eyes open to ensure effective rinsing behind eyelids
- Seek medical attention (Call 9-1-1 if applicable).
Needle Stick or Cut with Contaminated Sharp Item
- Review Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Response Sheet
- Immediately wash the area with soap and water for at least 15 minutes
- Obtain medical attention
- Report the incident to Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) hotline within eight hours: (310) 825-9797
- Follow the instructions by the voice operator and choose from menu:
- Option 1: Report a spill
- Option 2: Report serious employee injury
- Option 3: Report biohazard exposure or injury.